I am currently a Postdoctoral Fellow in the geometry group at King’s College London, working on algebraic groups, rational actions, and representation theory. See more
After completing my PhD in Pure Mathematics at Imperial College London, I spent one year as an INI-Simons Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Cambridge and then two years as an SNSF-funded Research Scientist at EPFL.
In my spare time I enjoy playing chess and exploring London’s theatre scene. I also have a few Data Science and Machine Learning side projects that I have either completed or am currently thinking about.

I write Magma code to understand actions of matrix groups over finite fields, and connect the results back to the infinite case.
My main focus has been around algebraic groups, abstract objects that lie in the intersection of algebra and algebraic geometry. As is often the case in mathematics, it is very fruitful to study the structure of these groups indirectly, by understanding how they act on other objects. I considered questions about the number of orbits (finite or infinite), as well as about the existence of a dense orbit. In a recent pre-print, I obtained a classification of generic stabilizers for algebraic groups acting on symplectic and orthogonal Grassmannians.